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Гистология, цитология и эмбриология. Атлас учебных препаратов
UNIT 26. Respiratory System
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UNIT 1. Structural Components of Tissues (Tissue Elements)
UNIT 2. Basic Cytology. Organelles and Inclusions of Cytoplasm
UNIT 3. Nucleus. Cell Cycle
UNIT 4. Epithelial Tissues. Glands
UNIT 5. Blood and Lymph. Hemopoiesis
UNIT 6. Connective Tissues Proper
UNIT 7. Cartilage and Bone Tissues
UNIT 8. Muscle Tissues
UNIT 9. Nerve Tissue. Neurons and Neuroglia
UNIT 10. Nerve Fibers and Terminals
UNIT 11. Nerve. Spinal Ganglion. Spinal Cord. Autonomic Nervous System
UNIT 12. Brain
UNIT 13. Sense Organs. Olfactory Organ. Organ of Vision (Eye)
UNIT 14. Organ of Taste (Gustatory Organ). Organ of Hearing and Equilibrium (Ear)
UNIT 15. Cardiovascular System. Arteries. Microvessels
UNIT 16. Veins. Lymphatic Vessels. Heart
UNIT 17. Hemopoietic and Immunogenesis Organs. Bone Marrow
UNIT 18. Thymus. Lymph Node. Spleen
UNIT 19. Endocrine System. Central Organs
UNIT 20. Peripheral Endocrine Organs
UNIT 21. Digestive System. Oral Cavity
UNIT 22. Oesophagus. Stomach
UNIT 23. Intestine
UNIT 24. Liver and Pancreas
UNIT 25. Integument. Skin and its Appendages
UNIT 26. Respiratory System
UNIT 27. Urinary System
UNIT 28. Male Reproductive System
UNIT 29. Female Reproductive System. Ovaries. Corpus Luteum
UNIT 30. Uterine Tubes (Oviducts). Uterus. Mammary Gland
UNIT 31. Human Embryology. Early Stages of Embryonic Development
UNIT 32. Provisional Organs
Practice Electron Micrographs
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