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Янки из Коннектикута при дворе короля Артура: Книга для чтения на английском языке
Chapter 7. Merlin’s Tower
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A Word of Explanation
Chapter 1. Camelot
Chapter 2. King Arthur’s Court
Chapter 3. Knights of the Table Round
Chapter 4. Sir Dinadan the Humorist
Chapter 5. An Inspiration
Chapter 6. The Eclipse
Chapter 7. Merlin’s Tower
Chapter 8. The Boss
Chapter 9. The Tournament
Chapter 10. Beginnings of Civilization
Chapter 11. The Yankee in Search of Adventures
Chapter 12. Slow Torture
Chapter 13. Freemen!
Chapter 14. “Defend Thee, Lord!”
Chapter 15. Sandy’s Tale
Chapter 16. Morgan le Fay
Chapter 17. A Royal Banquet
Chapter 18. In the Queen’s Dungeons
Chapter 19. KnightErrantry as a Trade
Chapter 20. The Ogre’s Castle
Chapter 21. The Pilgrims
Chapter 22. The Holy Fountain
Chapter 23. Restoration of the Fountain
Chapter 24. A Rival Magician
Chapter 25. A Competitive Examination
Chapter 26. The First Newspaper
Chapter 27. The Yankee and the King Travel Incognito
Chapter 28. Drilling the King
Chapter 29. The SmallPox Hut
Chapter 30. The Tragedy of the Manor House
Chapter 31. Marco
Chapter 32. Dowley’s Humiliation
Chapter 33. SixthCentury Political Economy
Chapter 34. The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves
Chapter 35. A Pitiful Incident
Chapter 36. An Encounter in the Dark
Chapter 37. An Awful Predicament
Chapter 38. Sir Launcelot and Knights to the Rescue
Chapter 39. The Yankees Fight with the Knights
Chapter 40. Three Years Later
Chapter 41. The Interdict
Chapter 42. War!
Chapter 43. The Battle of the SandBelt
Chapter 44. A Postscript by Clarence
End of the Manuscript. Final P.S. by M.T
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