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Ролевые игры на уроках английского языка
Ролевые игры на cредней и старшей ступенях обучения
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Ролевые игры на начальной ступени обучения
Ролевые игры на cредней и старшей ступенях обучения
Role Play 1. Interviewing People
Role Play 2. “Let’s Question a Spy”
Role Play 3. Hotel Owner (or Receptionist) and Guest
Role Play 4. At the Post Offi ce
Role Play 5. Interview in the Style of the TV show “100 Questions to Grown-ups”
Role Play 6. Interviewing Different People
Role Play 7. Peter Brown Saw UFO
Role Play 8. The Teenagers Who Swam Across the English Channel
Role Play 9. A Robinson Crusoe
Role play 10. Public Opinion Poll
Role Play 11. Living on A Yacht
Role Play 12. 43 Days Adrift at Sea
Role Play 13. The Idea of Summerhill Academy in Aberdeen, Scotland
Role Play 14. Which School Is Best?
Role Play 15. At the Internet Café
Role Play 16. Authentic Things in Classes
Role Play 17. “Save the Animals”
Role Play 18. Detective Games
Role play 19. “Silver Wedding Party”
Role Play 20. “On Board the Plane”
Role Play 21. “To the Barrier!”
Role Play 22. Life in the City versus Life in the Country (a group talk)
Role Play 23. Why Do People Immigrate?
Role Play 24. Job Interview (7-9 forms)
Role Play 25. Job Interview (10-11 forms)
Role Play 26. Former Classmates Reunion (Get Together)
Role play 27. At the Zoo (group activities in discussion style)
Role play 28. At the Shop (group activities in discussion style)
Role play 29. “We Are Psychologists”
Role play 30. “We Are Journalists”
Role play 31. “Wonders of the Modern World”
Role Play 32. Local Radio Phone-in
Role Play 33. A Talk on School Trips
Role Play 34. Astrologers Foretell
Role Play 35. So That We Could Survive
Role play 36. “We Are Architects”
Role Play 37. Holiday Plans
Word Games
Tips for Teachers
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