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30 тем для свободного общения
TOPIC 5. You Have Won a Round the World Trip
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TOPIC 1. Each Man Is a Creator of a Temple Called the Human Body
TOPIC 2. If I Were in an English Speaking Country the First Thing I Would Do Is
TOPIC 3. Some Books Are to Be Tasted, Others to Be Swallowed, and Some Few to Be Chewed and Digested
TOPIC 4. The Family Is One of the Nature’s Masterpieces
TOPIC 5. You Have Won a Round the World Trip
TOPIC 6. Only a Madman Should Choose to Live in a Large Modern City
TOPIC 7. What Makes People Commit Crimes?
TOPIC 8. What Features of English or American Education Would You Like to Introduce into the System of Education in Russia?
TOPIC 9. Speak About Any Film You Will Remember Forever
TOPIC 10. What Do You Think of Science?
TOPIC 11. Are You Aware of the Need to Look After the Environment, or Do You Believe It Is None of Your Concern and There Is Little You Can Do about It
TOPIC 12. Music Is the Universal Language of Mankind
TOPIC 13. A Great Painting Enriches Our Experience of Life Just as a Great Poem Does or a Great Musical Piece
TOPIC 14. Do You Think Mass Media Play an Important Part in the Life of the Society?
TOPIC 15. Is Television a Blessing or a Curse and a Time Waster?
TOPIC 16. Are You Influenced by Advertising?
TOPIC 17. What Shops Would You Choose for Your Weekend Shopping? Why?
TOPIC 18. Free Time
TOPIC 19. Your Future Career
TOPIC 20. Money Makes the World Go Round
TOPIC 21. Our Green and Pleasant Land - But for How Long?
TOPIC 22. Beating Those Teenage Blues
TOPIC 23. The Whole Truth
TOPIC 24. Born to a Life in Captivity
TOPIC 25. Paradise Disney Style
TOPIC 26. Edinburgh - Scotland’s Towering Pride
TOPIC 27. The City of London
TOPIC 28. Must We Isolate Disabled Children?
TOPIC 29. Young, Gifted and Drunk
TOPIC 30. The Bolshoi. Repertory Favourites
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