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Юмористические истории о животных : сборник рассказов на английском языке
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TEXT 1. A Dog and Two Birds
TEXT 2. The Fox and the Cock
TEXT 3. The Fox and the Grapes
TEXT 4. The Ant and the Dragon-Fly
TEXT 5. The Fox and the Bear
TEXT 6. The Fox and the Goat
TEXT 7. The Crow and the Fox
TEXT 8. The Lion
TEXT 9. A Traveller’s Tale
TEXT 10. The Lion, the Fox and the Ass
TEXT 11. The Tiger and the Monkey
TEXT 12. The Saior and the Monkeys
TEXT 13. The Bear and the Fox
TEXT 14. The Fox and the Crow
TEXT 15. The Story of a Silly Frog
TEXT 16. The Cock and the Fox
TEXT 17. The Hare and the Tortoise
TEXT 18. The Crow and the Fox (A Clever Crow)
TEXT 19. An Elephant
TEXT 20. At the Zoo. Giraffe Is Speaking about Himself
TEXT 21. At the Zoo. Camel Is Speaking about Himself
TEXT 22. Roy, the Baby Penguin
TEXT 23. The Beasts, the Birds and the Bat
TEXT 24. A Story about a Parrot
TEXT 25. What Do You Know about Birds?
TEXT 26. A Clever Dog
TEXT 27. Another Clever Dog
TEXT 28. A Story about a Dog
TEXT 29. The Monkey and the Cats
TEXT 30. A House in the Wood
Three Little Kittens
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