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English Grammar in use
III.Special Questions
Для продолжения работы требуется
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1.1. The Noun
1.2. Of - phrases
1.3. The use of Articles
1.4. The Article with Material Nouns
1.5. The Article with Proper Nouns
1.6. Imperative sentences
1.7. The verb to be
1.8. The Construction there is/there are
1.9. Interrogative sentences
1.10. Questions to the subject and its attribute
1.11. Pronouns
1.12. Indefinite pronouns some, any, no
1.13. Indefinite pronouns and adverbs derived from some, any, no, every
1.14. Prepositions
1.15. Participle I
1.16. The Present Continuous Tense
1.17. The Present Indefinite Tense
1.18. The construction to be going+infinitive
1.19. The place of the adverbs of manner and degree
1.20. The Pronouns many, much, few, a few, little, a little, a lot of
1.21. The Verb to be in the Past Indefinite Tense
1.22. The Past Indefinite Tense
1.23. To have (have got)
1.24. The Present Perfect Tense
1.25. Modal verbs can and to be able to
1.26. Modal verb must
1.27. Object Clauses
2.1. Future Indefinite Tense
2.2. Attributive Clauses
2.3. Time Clauses
2.4. The Verbs to speak, to talk, to tell, to say
2.5. The Sequence of Tenses. Reported Speech
I. Affirmative Sentences
II. General Questions
III.Special Questions
IV.Orders and Requests
2.6. The Passive Voice
2.7. Past Continuous, Future Continuous Tenses
2.8. Subordinate clauses of Consequence
2.9. The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
2.10. The Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs
2.11. Comparative constructions as-as, not so-as, more (less)-than
2.12. Concession Clauses
2.13. Substitute Words
2.14. Impersonal Sentences
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