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Essential Biochemistry for Medical Students with Problem-Solving Exercises
Chapter 9. Molecular endocrinology
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List of abbreviations
Chapter 1. The structure, properties and functions of proteins
Chapter 2. Enzymes
Chapter 3. Gene expression and protein synthesis
Chapter 4. Structure and functions of biological membranes. Cell signaling pathways
Chapter 5. Catabolism and cellular bioenergetics
Chapter 6. Carbohydrate metabolism
Chapter 7. Lipid metabolism
Chapter 8. Nitrogen metabolism
Chapter 9. Molecular endocrinology
9.1. Role of Hormones in Regulation of Metabolism and Functions
9.2. Structure, Synthesis and Basic Action of Hormones of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
9.3. Structure, Synthesis and Basic Action of Principal Hormones Regulating Fuel Metabolism
9.4. Hormonal Regulation of Fuel Metabolism at Normal Nutrition Rhythm
9.5. Metabolic Changes During Starvation
9.6. Metabolic Changes During Muscle Activity
9.7. Metabolic Changes in Hypoand Hypersecretion of Hormones
9.8. Metabolic Changes in Diabetes Mellitus
9.9. Actions of Hormones Regulating Sodium and Water Balance
9.10. Actions of Hormones that Affect Calcium and Phosphate Levels
9.11. Disorders of Calcium Metabolism
Chapter 10. Tissue metabolism. Liver detoxification function
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