Learning objectives
- To familiarize with the history of the rubber dam system.
- To review the indications and contraindications for the use of the rubber dam system, as well as to study the advantages of using the rubber dam system for isolation of the operative field in modern clinical practice.
Control questions
- The history of the development of isolation systems in dentistry.
- Indications and contraindications for the use of the rubber dam system in dental practice.
- Advantages and disadvantages of using the rubber dam system.
Lesson content
Rubber dam (from German “Kofferdam”) is a system for isolating a tooth or a segment of the dental arch from oral fluids, aggressive solutions, and bacterial contamination during dental treatment (Fig. 2.1).
Fig. 2.1. Components of the rubber dam system
In Russian and foreign literature, the terms “Kofferdam”, “Rubber dam” and “Dental dam” are considered synonymous and can be used equally in Russian-speaking dental society.