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Microbiology, virology, immunology
Chapter 3. Virology
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Chapter 1. General microbiology
Chapter 2. Special microbiology
Chapter 3. Virology
Topic 18. Medical virology. Poxviruses
18.1. General characteristics of viruses
18.2. Infections caused by poxviruses
Topic 19. Acute respiratory viral infections. Arboviruses
19.1. Acute respiratory viral infections
19.2. Infections caused by coronaviruses
19.3. Infections caused by arboviruses
19.4. Infections caused by rubella virus
19.5. Infections caused by yellow fever virus
Topic 20. Viral hepatitis
20.1. Hepatitis A virus
20.2. Hepatitis E virus
20.3. Hepatitis B virus
20.4. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection
20.5. Hepatitis C virus
20.6. Hepatitis D virus
20.7. Hepatitis G virus
Topic 21. Microbiology of intestinal viral infections
21.1. Poliovirus
21.2. Coxsackieviruses
Topic 22. Microbiology of slow virus infections
22.1. Rabies virus
22.2. Human immunodeficiency virus
22.3. Slow viruses and prions
Topic 23. Bacteriophages and their application
Control questions to chapter 3
Control tests to chapter 3
Chapter 4. Immunology
Test answers
Recommended reading
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