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Microbiology, virology, immunology
Chapter 1. General microbiology
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Chapter 1. General microbiology
Тоpic 1. Morphology of microorganisms
1.1. History of microbiology. The basic scientists and their advances
1.2. Methods applied for study of microorganisms morphology
1.2.1. Components of microscope
1.2.2. Microscopic methods of research of microorganisms
1.2.3. Methods of staining microorganisms
1.3. Components of bacterial cell
1.4. Classification and taxonomy of microorganisms
Тоpic 2. Physiology of microorganisms
2.1. Physiology of microorganisms
2.2. Cultural method of infectious diseases diagnostics
2.2.1. Features used to identify bacteria
2.3. Bacterial genetics
Topic 3. Ecology of microorganisms
3.1. Sanitary microbiology. Environmental microorganisms of water, soil, air
3.2. Asepsis, sterilization and disinfection
3.3. Antibiotics. Chemotherapy
Topic 4. Infectious process
4.1. Infectious process. Pathogenic microorganisms
4.2. Infectious process. Role of macroorganisms
4.2.1. Experimental infection
4.3. Principles and methods of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases
4.3.1. Principles and methods of diagnosis
4.3.2. Specific drugs for the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of infectious diseases
Control questions to chapter 1
Control tests to chapter 1
Chapter 2. Special microbiology
Chapter 3. Virology
Chapter 4. Immunology
Test answers
Recommended reading
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