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Biology is a theoretical foundation of medicine. The main goal of teaching biology in a medical college is to provide the student with fundamental knowledge in the field of basic sections that are necessary for shaping the future physician’s worldview; the ability to use this knowledge in the study of other fundamental disciplines as well as to solve practical problems of medicine and mastering the competencies necessary in the professional activities of a doctor. This textbook is developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (Moscow, 2020), university curricula (2021), working program (2021) for the working program in the specialty «General Medicine» — 31.05.01.

According to the curriculum, 30 hours of lectures, 60 hours of practical training and 86 hours for independent work are allocated to the teaching of Biology at the faculty of foreign students in the specialty «medical science». This textbook is developed for the sections of cytology, genetics and medical parasitology, which students study during first year.

The textbook is intended for students in order to develop uniform requirements and optimize preparation for practical classes. It includes theoretical material (lectures) on the topics discussed in the practical classes, questions for preparing for the current and final lessons, as well as the content and conduct of practical classes.

Requirements for students in the Biology Department:

  1. Attend lectures and classes without delay. Students who are late without a good reason are not allowed to attend classes.
  2. Come to the lectures and classes only in clean shoes and a medical uniform — a white robe and cap. The appearance of the doctor, as is known, should instill the patient’s complete trust. Without the appropriate form, the student is not allowed to practice.
  3. Have everything necessary for your practical work: a textbook, a workbook, a simple and coloured pencils, a notebook for notes.
  4. Completion of practical work — the protocols of the tasks (entry in the training notebook) should always be exemplary: correct, literate and accurate. It educates in the student — the future specialist — clarity in work, responsibility. Later it manifests itself in the clarity and accuracy of filling the medical history and other documents.
  5. The workplace should always be kept in order. In the time of practical work, nothing superfluous should be on the table.
  6. Be attentive to the teacher’s explanations and to the reading of instructional materials. Carefully listen, read and do as required, without interrupting and copying from peers. If from the first steps (from the first session) the student follows this practice, then in the future under any circumstances as a doctor will not violate this very important principle for the work (attention to instructions). It is not enough only to listen, and to look under a microscope, but to perform work very carefully and with understanding.

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