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Diagnosis and prevention of tuberculosis in general medical practice
Self-assessment questions
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The role of R. Koch, Pirquet, Calmette, Guerrin, Laennec, A.A. Kisel, N.I. Pirogov, A.I. Strukov in the development of the doctrine of tuberculosis.
Modern system of tuberculosis control.
World Health Organization. Implementation of tuberculosis control programs in different countries, in Russia.
Features of the epidemiological process in tuberculosis, factors that determine its development. Statistical indicators used to assess the epidemiological situation.
The importance of socio-economic and hereditary factors in the development of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis in developed and developing countries.
Etiology of tuberculosis. Types of mycobacteria. The meaning of various types and forms. Variability.
Rapidly and slowly multiplying mycobacteria, persistent forms, atypical forms and their significance during tuberculosis infection.
Natural resistance in tuberculosis. Tuberculosis immunity. Immunity and allergy in tuberculosis. The role of genetic factors.
Local and general reactions to tuberculosis infection.
Tuberculosis in ecologically unfavorable territories.
Significance of immunodeficiency in the development and course of tuberculosis infection.
Sources and ways of transmission of tuberculosis infection.
Tuberculin, its types. The response of the body to the introduction of tuberculin. Tuberculin tests and their sensitivity.
Pathogenesis of tuberculosis of the primary period.
Pathogenesis of tuberculosis of the secondary period.
Clinical classification of tuberculosis. Principles of formation of clinical diagnosis.
Pathological basis of inflammation in tuberculosis. Absolute diagnostic criteria for tuberculosis.
Features of the survey, physical methods in the diagnosis of tuberculosis, their information content.
Causes contributing to the development of tuberculosis. Risk factors.
Tuberculosis «masks».
Significance of contact with bacteria excretor. Types of contact.
X-ray methods in the diagnosis of tuberculosis.
X-ray syndromes in various forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.
The most common forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and their X-ray diagnostics.
Fluorography — goals and possibilities of application.
Tuberculin diagnostics. Tuberculin Mantoux test with 2TU. Technique of setting, contraindications.
Infectious and post-vaccination sensitivity to tuberculin.
DiaskinTest. Indications for use.
Tuberculin. Tuberculin skin reactions.
Immunological diagnostic methods for tuberculosis.
Methods for detecting MBT and their diagnostic value.
Peculiarities of MBT examination of risk groups by a general practitioner.
Diagnostic value of examination methods for tuberculosis.
Minimum diagnostic requirements for suspected tuberculosis cases at a general practitioner's level.
Diagnostic value of blood and urine tests in patients with tuberculosis.
The concept of timely and late detected tuberculosis. Assessing the activity of tuberculosis.
Organization of anti-tuberculosis service in Russia. Tasks and methods of work.
Epidemiological and clinical significance of timely detection of patients with tuberculosis.
Methods for detecting tuberculosis across age groups.
Mantoux test and detection of tuberculosis.
Detection of tuberculosis by specialized medical practitioners .
Collaboration between sanitary and epidemiological services anti-tuberculosis services and general practitioner.
Features of anti-tuberculosis work in rural areas.
Designated population groups in tuberculosis management. Work permits.
Tuberculosis facilities and their structure.
Organizational forms of treatment of a patient with tuberculosis.
Work in the FT infection and measures to improve it.
Early period of tuberculosis infection. Concept, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment.
Pathogenesis of primary tuberculosis in children and adolescents.
The value of BCG in preventing the development of tuberculosis.
Diagnosis of post-vaccination allergy.
Diagnosis of infectious allergies.
Primary tuberculosis complex. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Stages in the development of the primary tuberculosis complex.
Early tuberculosis intoxication. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Small forms of TVLLU and their diagnosis.
Features of the diagnosis of tuberculosis of the primary period in adolescents.
Miliary tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Typhoid-like form of disseminated tuberculosis.
Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (acute, subacute forms). Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.
The most common variant of disseminated tuberculosis in practice. Features of diagnostics.
Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis (chronic form). Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.
Focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Determination of the activity of the tuberculosis process.
Caseous pneumonia. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Features of X-ray diagnosis of caseous pneumonia.
Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Clinical and radiological variants of infiltrative tuberculosis. Features of the flow.
Tuberculoma of the lungs. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Classification of pulmonary tuberculomas. Tactics in observation and treatment.
Caseous pneumonia. Tactics in observation and treatment.
Cavernous tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Morphological structure of the cavity. Fresh and chronic cavity.
Reasons for the formation of cavernous tuberculosis.
Features of the course and treatment of cavernous tuberculosis.
Fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.
Reasons for the formation of fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
Features of the course and treatment of fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis.
X-ray picture of fibro-cavernous tuberculosis.
Patients with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis and the epidemiological situation in the regions.
Cirrhotic pulmonary tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.
Tuberculosis of the kidneys. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Tuberculosis of the reproductive system in women. Clinic, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.
Osteoarticular tuberculosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Peripheral lymphatic tuberculosis. nodes. Clinic, doctor, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Tuberculous meningitis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Tuberculous pleurisy. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Sarcoidosis. Clinic, diagnostics, dif. diagnostics, treatment.
Mycobacteriosis. Etiology, clinic, diagnostics.
Risk groups for extrapulmonary tuberculosis (bone-articular, genital, urinary).
Tuberculosis and AIDS.
Tuberculosis and alcoholism.
Tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus.
Surgical treatment of patients with tuberculosis.
Modern tactics and principles of treatment of tuberculosis. Basic anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Organization of treatment of tuberculosis on an outpatient basis.
Groupings of patients according to the treatment of tuberculosis. DOTS system.
Combined drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis.
Pathogenetic methods of treatment of patients with tuberculosis.
Sanatorium-based treatment of patients with tuberculosis and its role in rehabilitation.
Critical situations in phthisiology — pulmonary bleeding, spontaneous pneumothorax.
Anti-tuberculosis measures in antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals. tuberculosis and pregnancy.
Tuberculosis and motherhood.
Detection of tuberculosis and anti-tuberculosis measures in stationary medical facilities.
Complications of BCG. Tactics. Treatment.
Chemoprophylaxis. Species, groups eligible chemoprophylaxis.
BCG vaccination. Types of vaccine, indications, contraindications, administration technique.
BCG revaccination. Indications, contraindications, technique of administration.
Specific prevention of tuberculosis.
Sanitary prevention of tuberculosis. Grouping of foci.
Risk groups for somatic diseases.
Risk groups for tuberculosis (X-ray positive, for tuberculin diagnostics, for epidemiological danger)
Organization of early detection of tuberculosis.
Early tuberculosis detection by a general practitioner.
The concept of clinical cure for tuberculosis. Criteria.
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List of abbreviations
A brief glossary of terms and definitions
1. Definition of the disease, etiology, pathomorphology, pathogenesis of tuberculosis, goals and tasks of the general practitioner in diagnostics and prevention of tuberculosis
2. Anti-tuberculosis measures in the family before the child’s birth
3. Anti-tuberculosis measures after the birth of a child and until the age of 1 year
4. Anti-tuberculosis measures in children from 1 year to 14 years old
5. Anti-tuberculosis measures in adolescents from 14 years
6. Risk groups for tuberculosis in children and adolescents
7. Detection and prevention of tuberculosis in adults
8. Organization of detection and risk groups for extra-pulmonary tuberculosis
9. Contraindicated professions
10. A tuberculosis patient in the family
11. Characteristics of clinical forms of tuberculosis. Diagnostic criteria. Differential diagnosis
12. tuberculosis and AIDS
13. Emergency conditions in pulmonary tuberculosis
Appendix 1. Clinical classification of tuberculosis
Appendix 2. Drugs for the treatment of tuberculosis
Self-assessment materials
Self-assessment questions
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