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A brief glossary of terms and definitions

Active tuberculosis — a specific inflammatory process caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) and determined by a complex of clinical, laboratory and radiation (radiological) signs.

Allergy — a state of hypersensitivity to antigens (allergens) caused by an inappropriately strong reaction of the immune system, accompanied by damage to cells, tissues, and organs as a result of inflammatory processes.

Anamnesis (from the Greek νάμνησις — remembrance) — a set of information obtained during a medical examination by questioning the patient and/or those who know him/her. History data (information about the development of the disease, living conditions, previous diseases, operations, injuries, pregnancies, chronic pathologies, allergic reactions, heredity, etc.) are clarified by a medical worker in order to use them for diagnosis, choice of treatment, and/or preventive measures. Anamnesis is one of the main methods of medical research. In some cases, in conjunction with a general examination, it allows getting an accurate diagnosis without further diagnostic procedures. Anamnesis is a universal diagnostic method used in all areas of medicine.

A person discharging bacteria — a patient with an active form of tuberculosis who has MBT.

Conversion — a first positive tuberculin test.

HIV infection is a slowly progressive with a contact mechanism of transmission, characterized by a specific damage to the immune system (mainly T-helpers), as a result of which the body becomes highly susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors, which ultimately lead to the death of the HIV patient.

Community-acquired pneumonia — an acute disease that occurs in a community setting — that is, outside the hospital or later than 4 weeks after discharge from it, or diagnosed in the first 48 hours from the moment of hospitalization, or developed in a patient who was not in nursing homes/long-term care units ≥14 days, — accompanied by symptoms of lower respiratory tract infection (fever, cough, sputum production, possibly purulent, chest pain, shortness of breath) and radiological signs of «fresh» focal-infiltrative changes in the lungs in the absence of an obvious diagnostic alternative.

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) — the primary manifestation or progression of tuberculosis in the first three months of starting ART (more often in the first month), which is based on the restoration of an active immune response to a latent infection that existed before the start of ART.

Haptens (from the Greek ðôù — attach) — low molecular weight chemicals that, by themselves, lack immunogenicity. They can acquire immunogenic properties when their molecular weight increases, often through attachment to a larger carrier protein. In immunology, the concept of «haptens» was introduced by Landsteiner in 1923. Haptens have a very high level of specificity (very often only one radical is involved in determining specificity).

Destructive tuberculosis — an active form of the tuberculosis process with the presence of tissue decay, determined by a complex of radiation research methods.

DiaskinTest — a recombinant tuberculosis allergen in a standard dilution, a recombinant protein produced by a genetically modified culture of Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)/pCFP-ESAT, diluted in a sterile isotonic phosphate buffer solution with a preservative (phenol). Contains two antigens present in virulent strains of MBT and absent in the BCG vaccine strain.

Intoxication (from the Greek τοξικός — toxic) — a painful condition caused by the action on the body of exogenous toxins (e.g., microbial) or harmful substances of endogenous origin (e.g., toxicosis of pregnant women, thyrotoxicosis).

Infiltrate (from the Latin filtratus — filtered) — accumulation in the tissues of the body of cellular elements with an admixture of blood and lymph. The most common inflammatory and tumor infiltrate.

Cavern — a cavity that occurs in the organs of the body during the destruction and necrosis of tissues and the subsequent liquefaction of dead masses.

Sample conversion — the first infectious tuberculin test.

Clinical cure — the disappearance of all signs of an active tuberculous process as a result of the main course of complex treatment.

CT (computed tomography) — a method of non-destructive layer-by-layer examination of the internal structure of an object. The method is based on the measurement and complex computer processing of the difference in X-ray attenuation by tissues of different density.

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