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(By Dr Olim-i Shirinbek, MD, DSc,
Head of «SM-Clinic» Phlebology Centre,
Moscow, Russian Federation)

The handbook reflects the current state of the pathogenesis, nomenclature and classification, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of chronic venous disease of the lower limbs and pelvis, as well as venous thrombosis. Contemporary methods of conservative treatment, sclerotherapy, and surgery with particular emphasis on modern-day endovenous technologies for the elimination of venous reflux in chronic venous disease of the lower extremities are covered in detail. Pelvic venous disorders and venous thromboembolism are briefly reviewed according to current data. Extensive evidence based on the international clinical practice guidelines on the management of chronic venous disease of the lower limbs, pelvic venous disorders and venous thrombosis is thoroughly analyzed and presented in the handbook. The appendix includes scoring scales used in phlebology, sample endovenous procedure notes, as well as a list and websites of the world professional societies and periodicals on phlebology. The handbook is aimed at the vein specialists (general and cardiovascular surgeons), as well as general practitioners and medical students.

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