While studying this topic, you will:
- get information about chemical nomenclature in Latin;
- get acquainted about semisystematic and traditional names of chemical compounds;
- learn how to write correctly chemical nomenclature in Latin language in the names of remedies and in prescriptions.
The lesson is divided into several sections:
- basic principles of formation of semisystemac and names of acids, oxides;
- international formation the names of salts;
- types of formation the names of complex ethers, hydrates and anhydrates.
Latin names of important chemical elements
Latin names of chemical elements are the nouns of the second declension of neuter gender: Iodum, i n; Chlorum, i n; Oxygenium, i n.
Exclusions are the nouns: Sulfur, uris n (noun of 3rd declension, neuter gender) and Phosphorus, i m (a noun of masculine gender).
Latin name | symbol | Russian name | English name |
Aluminium | Al | Алюминий | aluminium |
Argentum | Ag | Серебро | silver |
Arsenicum | As | Мышьяк (т.е. мышиный яд) | arsenic |
Aurum | Au | Золото | gold |
Barium | Ba | Барий | barium |
Bismuthum | Bi | Висмут | bismuth |
Borum | B | Бор | boron |
Bromum | Br | Бром | bromine |
Calcium | Ca | Кальций | calcium |
Carboneum | C | Углерод | carbon |
Chlorum | Cl | Хлор | chlorine |
Cuprum | Cu | Медь | copper |
Ferrum | Fe | Железо | iron |
Fluorum | F | Фтор | fluorine |
Iodum | I | Йод | iodine |
Hydrargyrum | Hg | Ртуть | mercury |
Hydrogenium | H | Водород | hydrogen |
Nitrogenium | N | Азот | nitrogen |
Oxygenium | O | Кислород | oxygen |
Kalium | K | Калий | potassium |
Lithium | Li | Литий | lithium |
Magnesium seu Magnium | Mg | Магний | magnesium |
Manganum | Mn | Марганец | manganese |
Natrium | Na | Натрий | sodium |
Phosphorus | P | Фосфор | phosphorus |
Plumbum | Pb | Свинец | lead |
Silicium | Si | Кремний | silicon |
Stibium | Sb | Сурьма | antimony |
Sulfur | S | Сера | sulphur |
Thallium | Tl | Таллий | thallium |
Zincum | Zn | Цинк | zinc |