Task 1. Read the definition of the urinary system and show its organs in the picture.
The urinary system, consisting of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, is the system that produces, stores, and excretes urine.
Task 2.
A. Read and translate the following international words: active, capillary, excretion, filter, message, metabolism, section,
B. Match each term on the left (1-5) with its definition (a-e) on the right:
1) - d; 2) - _; 3) - _; 4) - _; 5) - _.
Task 3. You are going to read a text which explains how the body eliminates liquid wastes.
A. Look through the text and choose the correct heading for it from the list of headings below:
• The structure of the kidneys
• The role of water
• The urinary system
• Cell function
Cells produce waste as they do their work. Waste is in the water. When cells burn food, they give off water. Cells pass the water and waste to the blood. The urinary system removes this waste from the body. The kidneys are the main organs of the urinary system. Blood enters the kidneys and flows through smaller and smaller vessels until it reaches capillaries. The blood passes through the capillary walls into tiny tubes that filter the blood to remove waste. Each kidney has about one million such tubes. The cleaned blood passes through the walls of the tubes into other capillaries and joins the rest of the blood. The liquid waste removed from the blood leaves each kidney through another tube. The waste, called urine, passes through this tube into the urinary bladder. When the bladder is full, nerves send a message to the brain that it is time to empty the bladder. The body loses from three to six glasses of waste every day. A person should drink plenty of water to replace the lost liquid. Water helps cells get rid of other wastes.