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Over the long years of my work at the department, I often heard from students: “I will not be a surgeon, so I do not need to know surgical instruments and be able to use them, and this does not concern me”.

To such speeches, I answered them: “This is exactly what concerns you in the first place! Future surgeons will still be able to learn everything at the next surgical, clinical departments, hospitals at night. I have my faith in them. But future non-surgical doctors have the opportunity not only to learn surgical instruments, but also learn how to use them, perform the simplest surgical manipulations: stop bleeding, tie knots, etc., only here, at our department.

We will not only teach you all this, but also ... we will ask you at the exams!”

All success in your studies!

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department
operative surgery and topographic anatomy

Vladimir Ivanovich Telpuhov

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