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Traumatology and Orthopedics
Chapter 23. Osteopenia and osteoporosis
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List of abbreviations and designations
Chapter 1. Trauma and evolution of its treatment modalities
Chapter 2. Methods of examination in traumatology and orthopedics
Chapter 3. Consolidation of Fractures
Chapter 4. Severe trauma and its consequences
Chapter 5. General principles of providing assistance to victims of injuries of the musculoskeletal system
Chapter 6. Open traumatic injuries
Chapter 7. Infectious complications of trauma
Chapter 8. Treatment methods for injuries of the musculoskeletal system
Chapter 9. Consequences of injuries and rehabilitation
Chapter 10. Soft tissue injury
Chapter 11. Classification of fractures and dislocations
Chapter 12. Injuries to the shoulder girdle and upper limbs
Chapter 13. Injury of the lower extremities
Chapter 14. Chest injuries
Chapter 15. Pelvic bone fractures
Chapter 16. Spinal injuries
Chapter 17. Cranio-cerebral trauma
Chapter 18. Thermal lesions
Chapter 19. Injuries of the musculoskeletal system in children
Chapter 20. Orthopedic deformities in children
Chapter 21. Osteochondropathies (osteonecroses)
Chapter 22. Bone tumors
Chapter 23. Osteopenia and osteoporosis
Chapter 24. Diseases of the spine
Chapter 25. Acquired foot deformities
Chapter 26. Osteoarthritis
Chapter 27. Inflammatory joint diseases
Chapter 28. Osteoarticular tuberculosis
Chapter 29.Paralytic deformities
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