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List of abbreviations and designations

- tradename of the medicinal product, and/or name of the drug substance

- the medicinal product is not approved in the Russian Federation

- medicinal product is cancelled in the Russian Federation or its approval period has expired

AB-CCP - antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides

ACL - anterior cruciate ligament

AS - ankylosing spondylitis

BP - blood pressure

CBV - circulating blood volume

COX - cyclooxygenase

CT - computed tomography

CVP - central venous pressure

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate

LCL - lateral collateral ligament

MBD - mineral bone density

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging

NSAID - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

PCL - posterior cruciate ligament

PHT - physiotherapy treatment

PI - prognostic index

PSD - primary surgical debridement

RA - rheumatoid arthritis

RCTG - rectal-cutaneous temperature gradient

TBI - traumatic brain injury

TCL - tibial сollateral ligament

TE - therapeutic exercises

UCF - Universal Classification of Fractures

US - ultrasound examination

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