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3. First Aid for Fractures and Dislocations. Immobilization for Transporting. Splints and Bandages

3.1. Introduction

All incidents and particularly different emergencies are accompanied by a considerable number of casualties depending on the catastrophe cause. Most of the victims obtain different injuries to the bones, joints and soft tissues. A greater part of the injuries to the soft tissues, especially those without the wound turn to be not too serious, and the victims can be sent to the first-aid station or outpatient facility already after the first aid. That is why qualified first aid appears to be the basic component for prevention of complications. Damage to the bones and joints can be very dangerous even if the victim seems to feel quite well. Professionally provided first aid prevents complications in most cases and can help to reduce pain, shock and accelerate the victim’s transfer to the medical facility.

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3. First Aid for Fractures and Dislocations. Immobilization for Transporting. Splints and Bandages
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