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Neurology and neurosurgery: in 2 vol. Vol. 2. Neurosurgery
Chapter 11. Traumatic brain injury
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List of abbreviations
Chapter 1. History of neurosurgery
Chapter 2. Examination methods in neurosurgery
Chapter 3. Fundamentals of neurosurgical pathology
Chapter 4. Fundamentals of neurosurgical treatment
Chapter 5. Malformations of the central nervous system
Chapter 6. Hydrocephalus
Chapter 7. Infectious diseases of the central nervous system
Chapter 8. Parasitic diseases of the nervous system
Chapter 9. Tumors of the central nervous system
Chapter 10. Vascular diseases of the nervous system. Brain stroke
Chapter 11. Traumatic brain injury
11.1. Etiology and pathogenesis of primary brain damage
11.2. Mechanisms of secondary brain damage
11.3. Classification of traumatic brain injuries
11.4. Clinical presentation
11.5. Diagnosis
11.6. Clinical and morphological types of traumatic brain injuries
11.7. Principles of treatment of traumatic brain injuries
11.7.1. Mild traumatic brain injury
11.7.2. Moderate traumatic brain injury
11.7.3. Severe traumatic brain injury
11.8. Nasal liquorrhea
11.9. Other measures for traumatic brain injury
11.10. Complications and consequences of injury
Chapter 12. Vertebral column and spinal cord injury
Chapter 13. Degenerative spine disorders
Chapter 14. Functional neurosurgery
Chapter 15. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system
Suggested Reading
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