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Chapter 5. Malformations of the central nervous system

The embryonic development of the nervous system is an extremely complex process that can be disrupted by various causes: gene abnormalities, intrauterine infections, intoxication, taking warfarin during pregnancy and a number of others.

The nature of the anomalies that occur in this case largely depends on the phase of development of the nervous system:

  • stage of neural tube formation (3.5−4 weeks);
  • stage of brain vesicles formation (4−5 weeks);
  • stage of formation of the cerebral cortex (6−8 weeks), etc.

As a result of these reasons, various defects in the development of the brain and spinal cord, skull and spine may occur. These malformations can be found in isolation or in various combinations.

In this chapter we will focus only on the most common malformations of the nervous system, skull and spine that require surgical correction.

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Chapter 5. Malformations of the central nervous system
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