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Chapter 9. Consciousness and Its Disorders. Comatose States

9.1. Consciousness

Clinically, the term “clear consciousness” refers to an adequate perception and understanding of the environment, orientation in space and time, self-awareness, the ability to cognitive activity. Manifestations of consciousness, in particular, conscious behavior, are possible only at a certain level of wakefulness. In a healthy person who is awake, the level of consciousness is variable and depends on the nature of the work performed, interest, responsibility, physical and emotional state.

Disorders of consciousness

Disorders of consciousness are divided into the following types:

  • non-productive;
  • productive.

Non-productive forms are characterized by depression of consciousness, a decrease in the level of wakefulness, a decrease in mental and motor activity. Productive forms are characterized by the disintegration of mental functions against the background of wakefulness and motor activity (psychomotor agitation, delirium, oneiroid syndrome, etc.). In neurological practice, unproductive forms of disorders of consciousness are more common.

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