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Neurology and neurosurgery. Vol. 1. Neurology
List of Abbreviations
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List of Abbreviations
Introduction. A brief history of the development of Russian neurology and neurosurgery
Chapter 1. Morphofunctional Principles of the Nervous System
Chapter 2. A Summary of the Anatomy of the Nervous System
Chapter 3. Sensitivity and Sensory Disorders
Chapter 4. Movements and Movement Disorders
Chapter 5. Cranial Nerves. Main Syndromes
Chapter 6. Autonomic Nervous System
Chapter 7. Higher Mental Functions and Their Disorders
Chapter 8. Testing Methods in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Chapter 9. Consciousness and Its Disorders. Comatose States
Chapter 10. Vascular Diseases of the Nervous System
Chapter 11. Infectious Diseases of the Nervous System
Chapter 12. Demyelinating Diseases
Chapter 13. Epilepsy
Chapter 14. Diseases of the Peripheral Nervous System
Chapter 15. Neurological Complications of Degenerative Disc Disease
Chapter 16. Degenerative Diseases of the Nervous System
Chapter 17. Neuromuscular diseases
Chapter 18. Myasthenia Gravis
Chapter 19. Motor Neuron Disease
Chapter 20. Malformations of the Nervous System
Chapter 21. Dementia
Chapter 22. Pain
Chapter 23. Autonomic Nervous System Disorders
Chapter 24. Headache
Chapter 25. Neurotic disorders
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