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Control questions to the chapters of the textbook

General characteristics of physiology as a science

What is the difference between normal physiology and pathophysiology?

What is the goal of normal physiology studies?

What are the features of normal physiology as a science?

Chapter 1. Basics of vital activity

General properties of living organisms: integration of the living organisms, isolation, irritability, memory, anticipatory reflection of reality.

Membrane and ionic sources of the biopotential at rest. Changes in the cell membrane permeability during excitation.

Characteristics of stimulation types of excitable tissues.

Characteristic of the stimulation threshold. Features of local and propagating excitation processes. Comparative characteristics of the stimulation threshold and rheobase.

Electrophysiological characteristics of the excitation process. The action potential and its phases. Ionic mechanisms of excitation. Changes in the cell membrane permeability during excitation.

The laws of excitable tissue stimulation: "all-or-nothing", "power-time", "accommodation", "polar". Characteristics of rheobase, chronaxie, accommodation, cathodic depression.

Functional lability. Optimum and pessimum of stimulation. Parabiosis.

Characteristics of excitation and excitability. The change in excitability during excitation. Characteristics of refractoriness and exaltation.

Inhibition. Electrophysiological mechanisms of inhibition.

Characteristics of conductivity. Mechanisms of excitation conduction along the nerve fibers. Laws of excitation conduction in the nerves.

Classification of nerve fibers. Technique of monitoring action potentials in nerves and nerve fibers.

Characteristics of various ways of excitation conduction between excitable cells. Classification of synapses. Functional properties of synapses.

Characteristics of lability and measures of lability. Comparative characteristics of the lability measure of nerves, muscles and synapses.

Characteristics of synaptic neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Features of excitation transmission in neuromuscular, neuron-organ and central synapses. Features of excitation transmission in excitatory and inhibitory synapses.

Characteristics of muscle contraction types. The mechanism of tetanic contraction. Conditions for occurrence of optimum and pessimum. Connection between optimum and lability.

Neuromotor units. Energy processes of muscle contraction. Muscle fatigue. Heat generation in a muscle.

The mechanism of muscle contraction.

The law of average loads.

Functional features of smooth muscles compared to the properties of skeletal muscles. The significance of these features in the myogenic regulation of internal organ motor functions.

Secretion process. Bioelectric processes in secretory cells.

Cellular and sensory reception.

Chapter 2. General principles of organism organization

What is the difference between the correlation principle and the regulation and self-regulation principles?

What is the difference between a reflex and a functional system?

What are the principal properties of functional systems of the organism?

What are the general systemic construction principles of the entire organism?

Chapter 3. Nervous system

Define the term "neural integrative activity".

List the most important physiological properties of nerve centers.

Review the propagation mechanisms of excitations in the CNS.

Specify the functions of the somatic and vegetative reflex arc elements.

What are the vegetative reflections?

Draw diagrams of neural connections and describe the membrane processes underlying various types of central inhibition.

What principal methods of studying electrophysiological indicators are you familiar with?

List the principal properties of the reticular formation.

What is the significance of different cerebellum parts during movement performance?

What is the role of subcortical nuclei in cerebral activity?

List the organization principles of the cerebral cortex and its functional asymmetry.

Chapter 4. Internal environment of the organism

4.1. Bodily fluid environment. Homeostasis

What fluid environment form the internal environment of the body?

Define the term "homeostasis".

4.2. Hormonal regulation of physiological functions

Define the term "humoral regulation", name the main factors of humoral regulation. What substances are defined as hormones? Principal sources and functions of hormones.

Give the classification of hormones by their chemical structure. Describe the features of the synthesis and secretion, transport, mechanism of interaction with "target cells" (membrane and nuclear reception) of hormones with various chemical structures.

Endocrine function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, the role of the hypothalamic-pituitary system in regulating the activity of peripheral endocrine glands.

Endocrine function of the hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-adrenal cortex system, mechanisms of its regulation. Role of the adrenal cortex hormones.

Endocrine function of the hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-thyroid gland system, mechanisms of its regulation. Role of thyroid hormones.

Endocrine function of the hypothalamus-adenohypophysis-reproductive gland system, the mechanisms of its regulation.

Endocrine function of the sympathoadrenal system, mechanisms of its regulation. Role of adrenal medulla hormones.

Endocrine function of the pancreas, mechanisms of its regulation, the role of pancreatic hormones.

Endocrine function of the parathyroid glands, mechanisms of its regulation, the role of the parathyroid hormones.

Endocrine function of the epiphysis, mechanisms of its regulation.

Endocrine function of the kidneys, mechanisms of its regulation.

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