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Pattern and examples of macropreparation description

The description should begin with the words: “The macropreparation is represented…” In addition, the organ or portion of the organ is named, if necessary, “on the cut.” Macroscopic characterization is carried out according to the pattern below. The points indicated are provided solely as a reminder of which parameters need to be noted. Therefore, the description of a macropreparation should be presented in a coherent text, without special allocation of individual items by numbers. The terms and names of pathological processes and diseases should also be avoided. This can only be done in conclusion. The description of the macropreparation ends with a pathoanatomical diagnosis (or conclusion).

Macropreparation description pattern.

I. Characteristics of the organ:

  1. shape (in hollow organs, note the wall thickness, shape, and size of the cavity and the nature of the lining);
  2. dimensions (in centimeters);
  3. consistency (flabby, elastic, dense);
  4. presence of deformations;
  5. surface characteristics of the organ (smooth, granular, bumpy, presence of cicatricial depressions, areas of changed color);
  6. color;
  7. tissue pattern on the cut.

II. Characteristics of the pathological focus (if any):

  1. localization;
  2. size (in centimeters);
  3. shape;
  4. boundaries (clear, fuzzy);
  5. color;
  6. consistency;
  7. presence of a capsule.

Example 1.

The macropreparation is represented by opened aorta. On the intima there are dense white-yellow plaques protruding above the surface (specify the size), foci of athe­ro­matosis, ulceration, and calcification. In the lumen of the vessel there are dry crumbling masses of dark red color with corrugated surface attached to its wall.

Сonclusion: aortic atherosclerosis with parietal thrombosis.

Example 2.

The macropreparation is represented by the liver, which is enlarged (specify the dimensions) and has flabby consistency. The edges are rounded, and the capsule is thin and transparent. On the section, the liver tissue is uniformly ocher-yellow in color; the entire organ is affected.

Conclusion: fatty degeneration of the liver (‘goose liver’).

Example 3.

The macropreparation is represented by the left lung on section; it is enlarged nad heavy (indicate these parameters in numbers). The lower lobe displays hepatic density; grey, cloudy liquid flows from the cut surface. On the visceral pleura there are grey-white membranous overlays.

Conclusion: croupous pneumonia in the grey hepatization stage; fibrinous pleurisy.

Example 4.

The macropreparation is represented by a kidney on section. The organ is enlarged in size (indicate in numbers), the capsule is tense, the surface is smooth, the cortical layer is extremely pale, and the pyramids are of intense dark red color.

Conclusion: cortical necronephrosis (‘shock kidney’).

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