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The objective of this manual is to familiarize students receiving instruction in English with the national program of pathological anatomy, as well as to help them master the material presented in practical classes, which entails studying macro- and micropreparations.

The manual is based on photographs of unique macro- and micropreparations in the collection of the Department of General Pathology of KSMU, reflecting the main sections of general and particular pathological ana­tomy. Since some changes in organs are not always clearly visible on the museum preparations, chromolithographs by the German artist W. Gummelt from the archives of the department (Leipzig, 1897), as well as photographs taken during postmortem autopsies, have also been used for individual illustrations. Most macropreparations are accompanied by a corresponding photograph of the microscopic picture of the pa­tho­lo­gical process. For a comparative assessment, the atlas also includes drawings of the normal anatomical and histological structure of the individual organs.

Experience gained during previous laboratory classes has shown that many students have little knowledge of histological techniques and of many special staining methods associated with them, nor are they familiar with the method used to make macropreparations. Therefore, this manual presents the main steps used when making macro- and micropreparations, along with the staining methods and the results obtained when staining histological sections.

An algorithm for describing the macro- and microscopic pictures of diseased organs is provided.

The textbook corresponds to the curriculum of Pathological Anatomy course in the General Medicine specialty (31.05.01), meets the requirements of the Fe­de­ral State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, which underlies the professional competencies of a doctor (OPK-3, PC-2, PC-5, PC-7), and contri­butes to the development of the skills in the study of related clinical disciplines.

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