Pyrimidinomethylthiazole derivatives are based on:
1. Thiamine chloride (bromide)
2. Thiamini chloridum (bromidum)
4-methyl-5-β-hydroxyethyl-N-(2-methyl-4-amino-5-methylpyrimidyl)-thiazolium bromide hydrobromide
White crystalline substances with a yellow tint. They have a characteristic odor and are easily soluble in water (reaction of the medium is acidic, pH = 2.7-3.6).
3. Cocarboxylase hydrochloride
Cocarboxylasi hydrochloridum
It is a coenzyme, an ester of thiamine and phosphoric acid.
Description. It is a white crystalline powder, easily soluble in water. Reaction of the medium is acidic. Available in ampoules as a lyophilized powder. To be prepared ex tempore (because of its thermolability).
1. Salts of nitrogen-containing organic compounds: soluble in water, acidic reaction of the medium.
A) It is impossible to separate the base, because it is decomposed by alkali.
B) Precipitation with general alkaloid reagents. Thiamine bromide - a precipitate is quantitatively formed with silicotungstic acid.
2. Three pharmacopoeial reactions to the residue of phosphoric acid after acid hydrolysis of cocarboxylase with nitric acid:
1) + AgNO3 ⇒ Ag3РО4 ↓ yellow precipitate;
2) + Mg2+ + NH4Сl + NH4OH ⇒ NH4MgPO4 ↓ white precipitate;
3) + (NH4)2MoO4 → (NH4)3PO4*12MoO3 ↓ yellow precipitate.
3. To chloride and bromides - with AgNO3.
4. A specific general group reaction: the formation of thiochrome.
Substance + water + 1 ml K3[Fe(CN)6] (oxidizing agent) + 1 ml 10% alkali (3 equivalents) + butanol or isoamyl alcohol (lighter than water) ⇒ shake ⇒ blue fluorescence appears in the upper layer in UV light (THIOCHROME) ⇒ add acid ⇒ coloration disappears ⇒ add more alkali ⇒ coloration reappears.
1. Neutralization of НBr: substance + NaOH ⇒ NaBr + water + [thiamine+]Br-
2. Formation of thiazole base and pseudo base:
+ NaOH ⇒ -NaBr ⇒ :
3. Formation of the thiol form of thiamine:
4. Oxidation:
Thiochrome: blue fluorescence in UV. Authenticity and assay (fluorimetry).
- Cocarboxylase hydrochloride ― neutralization. Т = NaOH. The indicator is thymolphthalein. Titrated HCl and two ОН- M(1/z)= Mm/3.
- Thiamine hydrochloride ― substance: acid-base titration in non-aqueous media, solvent: HCOOH + acetic anhydride, T = HClO4; the indicator is crystal violet.
- End product: [thiamine]ClO4-*HClO4 ― thiamine diperchlorate (2 mol HClO4) M(1/z)= Mm/2.
Other methods: SPM in UV, HPLC with a reference standard.