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Sociology of Medicine
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
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Editorial notes
Author’s preface
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
Chapter 17. Health as subject matter in sociology of medicine
17.1. Health as scientific concept
17.2. Social components of individual health
Chapter 18. Modern social trends in public health
18.1. Indices of population health
18.2. Integrative indicators of population health
18.3. Public health in modern civilization
18.4. Effect of economic recession on population health
18.5. Medico-sociological studies of depopulation in modern Russia
Chapter 19. Institutional changes in sociocultural pattern of health and disease
19.1. Health and diseases of human beings
19.2. Social environment of individuals as a factor in etiology of diseases
19.3. Influence of family and marriage on diseases
19.4. Impact of work on health
19.5. Lifestyle as conditional factor of health
19.6. Self-preservation behavior
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
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