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Sociology of Medicine
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
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Editorial notes
Author’s preface
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
Chapter 5. Milestones in establishment of international and russian sociology of medicine
5.1. Periodization in the development of sociology of medicine
5.1.1. The early period (the birth of discipline) in 17th-21st centuries
5.1.2. The formation period (beginning of the 20th century — outbreak of world war i)
5.1.3. The consolidation period (1920–40s)
5.1.4. The period of development as independent discipline (1950–1980)
5.1.5. The modern period (form 1990s to the present time)
5.2. Peculiarities in the development of sociology of medicine in Russia
Chapter 6. Interdisciplinary approach as methodological basis of sociology of medicine
6.1. Conception of interdisciplinary research
6.2. Interdisciplinary paradigm of sociology of medicine
6.3. Sociology of medicine and the study of interdisciplinary problems
Chapter 7. Scientific schools in sociology of medicine
7.1. Formation of Western schools of sociology of medicine
7.2. Peculiarities in research traditions of sociology of medicine in Russia
Chapter 8. Basic achievements and perspectives of sociology of medicine
8.1. Sociology of medicine and the development of healthcare system
8.2 Socioeconomic facets of modern developmental trends in sociology of medicine
8.3. Methodological and methodical support of the medico-sociological studies
8.4. New vistas in advancing socially actual medico-sociological problems
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
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