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Pathological Anatomy : textbook
Chapter 13. Diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and exocrine part of the pancreas
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List of abbreviations
Chapter 1. Morphology of metabolic disorders - dystrophy
Chapter 2. Necrosis and apoptosis
Chapter 3. Disorders of blood and lymph circulation
Chapter 4. Inflammation
Chapter 5. Pathology of the immune system
Chapter 6. Adaptation and compensation
Chapter 7. Tumors
Chapter 8. Introduction to nosology
Chapter 9. Diseases of blood-forming system
Chapter 10. Cardiovascular diseases
Chapter 11. Pulmonary diseases
Chapter 12. Diseases of digestive system
Chapter 13. Diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and exocrine part of the pancreas
General mechanisms of liver function impairment
Liver disease syndromes
Massive progressive hepatic necrosis
Infectious liver diseases of non-viral etiology
Autoimmune hepatic lesions
Drug-induced hepatitis
Alcoholic liver injury
Liver cirrhosis
Cholestatic liver diseases
Hepatic tumors
Diseases of gallbladder and bile ducts
Pancreatic diseases
Chapter 14. Diseases of kidneys and urinary tract
Chapter 15. Rheumatic diseases
Chapter 16. Infections and infestations
Chapter 17. Nervous system diseases
Chapter 18. Diseases of male reproductive system
Chapter 19. Endocrine system diseases
Chapter 20. Diseases of breast genitals
Chapter 21. Pathological pregnancy
Chapter 22. Musculoskeletal disorders
Chapter 23. Skin diseases
Chapter 24. Childhood diseases
Chapter 25. Childhood infections
Chapter 26. Pediatric tumors
Chapter 27. Diseases of the dentofacial system and oral cavity organs
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