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Chapter 4. Inflammation

Inflammation is a comprehensive local vascular-mesenchimal reaction to da­mage, mediated by the action of various agents. This is a biological and one of key general pathological processes, the expediency of which is determined by the defence and adap­tation function, aimed at eliminating the damaging agent and restoring the damaged tissue. In most cases, the Latin ending “itis” is attached to the name of an organ or tissue to refer to inflammation. Thus, the inflammation of myocardium is referred to as myocarditis, of pleura as pleuritis, etc. At the same time, the terms used for inflammation of some organs reflect old traditions: inflammation of the fauces is called sore throat, inflammation of the lungs - pneumonia, inflammation of cavities - empyema, etc.

The role of inflammation for the organism is ambiguous. In relation to humans as a biologic species, inflammation acts as a perfect adaptive reaction, because, through inflammation, humanity acquires new properties that help in adapting to changing environmental conditions. However, for a particular individual, inflammatory response often takes features of a disease, since the individual’s adaptive and compensatory capabilities for various reasons (age, comorbidities, etc.) are insufficient, and it is these individual characteristics of an individual in a particular illness that contribute to the individual’s death. But despite the specific characteristics of a particular patient, inflammation itself still retains its perfection.

Inflammation presents with characteristic microcirculatory and mesenchymal changes and, at a certain stage of development, mediates activation of general and local regulatory systems.

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