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In this Section:

1. Drug administration routes. Absorption

2. Drug distribution in the body. Biological barriers. Storage

3. Biotransformation of drugs in the body

4. Routes of drug elimination from the body

5. Local and systemic effects of the drugs. Direct and reflex effects. Localization and mechanism of action. Drug «targets». Reversible and irreversible actions. Selective action

6. Dependence of pharmacotherapeutic action on drug properties and pattern of use

7. Importance of individual characteristics of the human body and its state for the manifestation of the drug effect

8. Main types of drug treatment

9. Principal and adverse effect. Allergic reactions. Idiosyncrasy. Toxic effects

10. General principles of the treatment of acute drug poisoning

General pharmacology is the study of the common patterns of drugs pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacokinetics1 is the part of pharmacology that deals with compound absorption, distribution in the body, storage, metabolism and excretion (Fig. The main subject of pharmacodynamics2 is the biologic effects of compounds as well as localization and mechanism of action.

The effects of drugs are the result of their interaction with the organism. Therefore, the basic properties defining physiologic activity of the drugs are not the only thing for consideration. The effect of drugs is also dependent on method of use of these compounds as well as the general condition of the organism to which their action is directed.

The other topics for discussion are the most important types of pharmacotherapy, as well as general patterns of drugs' side effects and toxicity.

1 From Greek pharmacon - drug, kineo - move.

2 From Greek pharmacon - drug, dynamis - power.

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