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Chapter 16. Benign Neoplasms of the Oral Cavity

Every year the frequency of neoplasms in the MFR tends to increase. According to the WHO, about 90 thousand primary diagnoses of malignant neoplasms are made annually in the Russian Federation.

Neoplasms of the face, organs of the oral cavity and jaws are extremely diverse in their genesis and morphology, which is associated with the formation of the facial and oral structures from various tissues. There, organ-specific tumors that originate from tissues of a given area develop: odontogenic, glandular, stratified squamous epithelium, as well as organ-specific tumors arising from various nonspecific structures of this localization (soft or bone tissues, skin).

The classification of neoplasms in the MFR is based on the WHO’s International Histological Classification of Tumors, taking into account the anatomical localization, histological type and division into benign and malignant tumors. According to tissue belonging, there are epithelial, connective, neurogenic, myogenic, osteogenic tumors distinguished. In Appendix 1 of ICD-10, the histological types of odontogenic tumors are given, in Appendix 2 ― the histological types of tumors of salivary glands.

All neoplasms of the face, organs of the oral cavity and jaws are subdivided into true tumors, tumor-like lesions and cysts.

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