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Chapter 1. Provision of Oral Surgery Care to the Population

Oral surgery care for adults in the Russian Federation is provided by medical and preventive institutions, the activities of which are regulatedOrder of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 07.12.2011 No. 1496n “On approval of the Procedure for the provision of medical care to the adult population with dental diseases”. and aimed at the detection, treatment and prevention of diseases of the maxillofacial region (MFR).

There are medical and preventive institutions that provide oral surgery care.

  • Dental office is a structural unit of a department limited to one room; sometimes, it is an independent medical institution that provides dental care in accordance with its profile.
  • Oral surgery department is a structural unit of a medical and preventive institution, a dental clinic or a clinic for the provision of dental care in its profile. Dental departments can be a part of multi-specialty clinics, multi-specialty hospitals, research centers and institutes, specialized centers, clinical and diagnostic centers, and hospitals.
  • Dental polyclinic (either district, city or regional) is a medical institution designed to provide all types of dental care, except for inpatient surgery care. The structure of a dental polyclinic includes the main departments (therapeutic, oral surgery, prosthodontics) and auxiliary services (reception, X-ray room, room for physical therapy, dental laboratory, diagnostic laboratory, housekeeping unit).
  • Mobile dental team is a team of specialists with mobile equipment that provides care in remote places, educational and other institutions, at workpla­ces, as well as provides home visits to seriously ill and handicapped patients.

The main place in the structure of dental service belongs to dental polyclinics. According to Appendix 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 633 of 13.10.2005 “About organization of medical care”, there are three levels of dental care:

  • qualified (dental offices and departments in general profile polyclinics, district hospitals, medical and sanitary units, etc.);
  • specialized (departments of dental clinics, dental departments in general profile polyclinics, hospitals, etc.);
  • highly specialized (departments of large multidisciplinary polyclinics and hospitals, dental faculties of universities, research institutes).

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