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List of Abbreviations and Symbols

- brand name of a medical product and/or a pharmaceutical substance

ρ - medical product not registered in the Russian Federation

¤ - medical product has been either canceled in the Russian Federation or its registration period has expired

ABP - arterial blood pressure

AED - automatic external defibrillator

AKG - attached keratinized gingiva

BA - bronchial asthma

BK - mycobacterium tuberculosis (bacillus Kochii)

CAD - coronary artery disease

CBCT - cone beam computed tomography (cone beam computed tomogram)

CEJ - cementum-enamel junction

CNS - central nervous system

CPR - cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CT - computed tomography (computed tomogram)

DM - diabetes mellitus

EDTA - ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid

EH - essential hypertension

EPP - endodonto-periodontal pathology

EPT - electric pulp test

ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate

FCTG - free connective tissue graft

FGG - free gingival graft

HC - hypertensic crisis

HIV - human immunodeficiency virus

HR - heart rate

ICD-10 - 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, a medical classification by the WHO

Ig - immunoglobulin

IHCT - International Histological Classification of Tumours

GT - gastrointestinal tract

GT(B)R - guided tissue (bone) regeneration

MFR - maxillofacial region

MP - medicinal preparation

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging

MSCT - multidetector computed tomography (multidetector computed tomogram)

NSAIDs - non(-)steroid(al) anti-inflammatory drugs

OPG/OPT/OPTG - orthopantomography (orthopantomogram)

pH - pH (lat. pondus Hydrogenii) value

pKa - anesthetic dissociation constant

PT - physical therapy, physiotherapy

RR - respiration rate

SHF - superhigh-frequency therapy

TMJ - temporomandibular joint

UHF - ultrahigh-frequency therapy

US - ultrasonic

USI - ultrasonic investigation

UV - ultraviolet

UVI - ultraviolet irradiation

WHO - World Health Organization

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