Repeat after the teacher.
There was an old gent from Hyde
Who ate rotten apples and died.
The apples fermented
Inside the lamented
And made cider inside his inside.
Fill in the crossword.
По горизонтали:
3. Someone whose job is to examine and treat peoples teeth. 6. The instrument often uses in surgery.
10. A long narrow piece of material for tying round the part of the body that has been hurt.
13. A shop that sells medicine.
14. The symptoms of a cold.
15. Illness when you can't sleep well.
16. You will go to a dentist when you have ... ache.
17. Sheet of paper, that doctor gives you, when you ill.
20. Another word for tablets.
21. ... is above wealth.
22. To this condition causes severe disease. По вертикали:
1. Another word for drugstore.
2. To have a heart ... .
4. What is the English word for столовая ложка.
5. Another word for illness.
7. To pull out a tooth.
8. Doctor, who is engaged in the operations of patients.
9. Someone who is receiving medical treatment.
11. Disease when you have a sore throat for a long time.
12. Signs of disease.
13. The result of checking up the patient.
17. Blood ... .
18. The condition when your illness gets worse.
19. What does a thermometer measure.
20. The regular beating of the heart.
1. Present Perfect Continuous.
■ Употребляется для обозначения действия, которое началось в прошлом и сейчас еще продолжается (или уже закончилось к моменту разговора):
«Когда я вернулся домой в 3 часа ночи, она уже давно стояла у порога двери с подготовленной по этому случаю сковородой».
■ Маркеры: for, since, by.
■ Утвердительная форма образуется с помощью have / has been + основной глагол с окончанием -ing:
She has been waiting for me since 11 p.m.