1. Remember the proverbs and sayings.
A change is as good as a rest. - Лучший отдых - смена вида деятельности.
A rolling stone gathers no moss. - Под лежачий камень вода не течёт.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. - Кто не планирует свою победу, тот планирует чужую.
Наречие - это часть речи, обозначающая признак действия. Английские наречия делятся на следующие смысловые группы.
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Составные наречия представляют | |
собой сочетание служебного и | |
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at length - детально, обстоятельно; | |
in vain - напрасно, тщетно; | |
at least - по крайней мере | |
| everywhere - везде, всюду |
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Роль в предложении
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| nevertheless, still, yet, | | |
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| are late again. - Мне все равно, почему ты опять опоздал | | |
9.1. Put - ly to make the adverbs.
Perfect - love - careful - regular -- nice - terrible - heavy - good -hard - fantastic - ... .
9.2. Choose the correct sentence:
a) Sveta is quite cheerful usually. Sveta is usually quite cheerful. Sveta usually is quite cheerful.
b) Our younger sister doesn't come often to the concert with us. Our younger sister doesn't often come to the concert with us. Our younger sister often doesn't come to the concert with us.
c) We usually listen to music in our sitting room. Usually, we listen to music in our sitting room. We listen to music, usually in our sitting room.
d) Tom hardly ever is punctual. Tom is punctual hardly ever. Tom is hardly ever punctual.
e) How often you go to the dentist? How usually do you go to the dentist? How often do you go to the dentist?
9.3. Ask questions with 'how often' or 'do you ever' for the following answers.
Model. Yes, I usually go shopping.......................Do you ever go
a) Yes, I sometimes listen to classical music.
b) I have English classes three times a week.
c) We never drive that old car.
d) No, Anne doesn't often visit her aunt.
e) Lucas usually phones his best friend.
f) I am never late to work.
g) No, he never eats broccoli.
9.4. Put the article where necessary.