Pronounce after the teacher.
Look at the clock and learn how to tell the time in English.
Cardinal and ordinal numerals. Fractions.
Количественные и порядковые числительные Дроби
| | |
| | |
| | |
2 - two 12 - twelve 20 - twenty | | 1/2 - one second/a half 1/12 - a twelfth 1/20 - a twentieth |
3 - three 13 - thirteen 30 - thirty | third thirteenth thirtieth | 1/3 - one third/a third 1/13 - a thirteenth 1/30 - a thirtieth |
4 - four 14 - fourteen 40 - forty | fourth fourteenth fortieth | 1/4 - a fourth/a quarter 1/14 - a fourteenth 1/40 - a fortieth |
5 - five 15 - fifteen 50 - fifty | | 1/5 - a fifth 1/15 - a fifteenth 1/50 - a fiftieth |
6 - six 16 - sixteen 60 - sixty | | 1/6 - a sixth 1/16 - a sixteenth 1/60 - a sixtieth |
7 - seven 17 - seventeen 70 - seventy | seventh seventeenth seventieth | 1/7 - a seventh 1/17 - a seventeenth 1/70 - a seventieth |
8 - eight 18 - eighteen 80 - eighty | eighth eighteenth eightieth | 1/8 - a eighth 1/18 - a eighteenth 1/80 - a eightieth |
9 - nine 19 - nineteen 90 - ninety | ninth nineteenth ninetieth | 1/9 - a ninth 1/19 - a nineteenth 1/90 - a ninetieth |
10 - ten 100 - a hundread 1,000 - a thousand 1,000,000 - a million | tenth hundredth thoussandth millionth | 1/10 - a tenth 1/100 - a hundredth 1/1000 - a thousandth 1/1000000 - a millionth |
Между сотнями или тысячами и миллионами и следующими за ними десятками или единицами при отсутствии десятков ставится союз and:
275 - two hundred and seventy-five;
641 - six hundred and forty-one;
5,702 - five thousand eight hundred and one;
2,617,237 - two million six hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and thirty-seven.
Заметка. Числительные hundred (сто), thousand (тысяча), million (миллион) суффикс множественного числа -s не имеют:
four million - четыре миллиона.
Следующие числительные употребляются со словом one или с артиклем a:
100 - one hundred или a hundred 1,000 - one thousand или a thousand,
1,000,000 - one million или a million.
8.1. Write the numbers in words.
13, 15, 18, 190, 300, 67, 44, 21.
8.2. Make ordinal numbers from coordinate.
1. Twenty one-_ . 2. Thirty-__. 3. Thousand-_ . 4. Fifteen-_. 5. One-_. 6. Two-_. 7. Fifty three-_. 8. Ninety nine-__. 9. Six-_. 10. Four-_.
8.3. Make up a dialogue about your working day.
Work with your partner. Ask and answer the following questions: when do you get up? What do you do in the morning? What do you usually have for breakfast? How long does it take you to get to the college? When do you leave home for the college? How many lessons do you have? When do you come back home after lessons? What do you do after college? Do you help your mother with the house? What time do you go to bed?
Remember the proverb.
There's no time like the present.