Class objective: students (trainees) should learn how to use PT means and forms at different patient rehabilitation stages (inpatient facility-outpatient facility-sanatorium) based on knowledge of impaired function compensation mechanisms in endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders.
Test questions for background information check.
1. What are the main forms of carbohydrate metabolism?
2. What is hypothyroidism? Aetiology and pathogenesis. Clinical symptoms. Treatment.
3. What is diabetes insipidus? Clinical symptoms, course. Treatment.
4. What is diabetes mellitus (DM)? WHO classification (1999).
5. What are the symptoms and course of DM?
6. Which DM complications exist? Diagnostic criteria of DM and other hyperglycemia categories.
7. What is diffuse goitre (Graves-Basedow disease)? Clinical symptoms, course. Treatment.
8. What is obesity? Clinical symptoms, course.
9. Describe diagnostics and treatment of obesity. Skills to be mastered by the student (trainee) during the training session.
► Develop a combined rehabilitation treatment program for patients with metabolic disorders.
► Determine the purpose and objectives of rehabilitation treatment.
► Perform functional sampling or testing. Evaluate their results.
► Assign the motion regimen. Determine PT means and forms.
► To determine the dosage of PT means, massage type and manoeuvres.
► Indications and contraindications to the prescription of physical exercises and massage.
► To perform the session with the patient using various PT means (MHG, RG, therapeutic massage).
► Evaluate the adequacy of physical exercise loads for the body condition during therapeutic and pedagogical observations and compile the medical report.
Practical lesson structure is standard.