Сlinical А (Applied А.) is a totality of applied directions and divisions of the modern anatomy studying a structure and topography of organs and regions in norm and pathology for different divisions of clinical medicine.
Clinical Anatomy uses the data of systemic, topographical anatomy, histology, radiology, and other necessary scientific disciplines.
Topographical А (Regional A.) is a morphological scientific and educational discipline: the part of anatomy studying an interposition of organs and anatomic structures in regions of a human body. It is in the same row with terms: systemic А. (normal А, human A, Gross Anatomy), comparative A.
The description of the topography of the body contains three components: holotopy, skeletotopy and syntopy.
Holotopy is a spatial situation of an organ in the part of the body.
Skeletotopy is a projective relation of an organ to skeleton parts (if such relations at the organ exist).
Syntopy is a relation of an organ with other organs and anatomic formations.
Classification of Clinical (Applied) Anatomy
The clinical anatomy includes directions and divisions for specific clinical disciplines: surgical, microsurgical, neurosurgical, stomatologic anatomy, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, cardiology, endocrinology, etc.
Several divisions of clinical anatomy are defined by a method on which they are based. They are endoscopic anatomy, radiological anatomy, which concerns already traditional X-ray, and also the computer-tomographical, magneto-resonance-tomographical anatomy, ultrasonic anatomy.
Directions and divisions of clinical anatomy can be united into three basic groups:
• 1st group - surgical А, microsurgical А, neurosurgical А., as directions of anatomy studying and describing features of a structure and topography of organs and regions in norm and pathology with reference to inquiries of surgery, traumatology, microsurgery, neurosurgery, mini-invasive surgery first of all for the basis of operative interventions;