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Select one or more correct answers.

1. Specify the presenting part when at the transverse position of the fetus:

A. Shoulder.

B. Hand.

C. Head.

D. None of the above.

2. Specify normal values of the fetus heart rate beats per minute:

A. 60-80.

B. 120-160.

C. 220-280.

D. 90-140.

3. For determination of the true conjugate all of the following indicators are used, except for:

A. External conjugate.

B. «Solovyov dimension».

C. «Frank dimension».

D. Vertical dimension of the «rhombus of Michaelis».

4. Reliable signs of pregnancy include:

A. Cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa and cervix.

B. Uterine enlargement, change in its shape and consistency.

C. Auscultation of the fetal heartbeat.

D. Nausea and vomiting in the morning.

5. The first manoeuvre of the fetus palpation in the uterus allows to determine:

A. Fetal presentation.

B. Location and position of the fetus.

C. Location of the fetus presentation part against the small pelvis inlet.

D. Fundal height.

E. Location of the fetus presentation part against the small pelvis planes.

6. The purpose of the second manoeuvre of external obstetric examination is to determine:

A. The position of the fetus.

B. Gestational age.

C. Presenting part of the fetus.

D. Position type.

7. The third manoeuvre of external obstetric examination is performed with the aim of determining:

A. The position of the fetus.

B. Gestational age.

C. Presenting part of the fetus.

D. Position of the presenting part against the small pelvis.

8. The fourth manoeuvre of external obstetric examination is performed with the aim of determining:

A. Presenting part of the fetus.

B. Ratio of the presenting part to the small pelvis inlet.

C. Position type.

D. Position of the fetus.

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