1. Gestation of_weeks.
2. Location, position, appearance, and presentation of the fetus.
3. Complications of the current gestation at the moment of a curation.
4. Specific features of the obstetric-gynecologic history.
5. Specific features of the somatic history.
6. Specific features of the fetus. Example 1. Gestation of 38-39 weeks.
Longitudinal position, cranial fetal presentation, first anterior position.
Edema of pregnancy.
Aggravated obstetric-gynecologic history (AOGH). Re-current miscarriage.
Chronic pyelonephritis in remission.
Placental insufficiency, compensated.
The syndrome of delayed fetal growth of the 1st degree.
Example 2. Gestation of 39-40 weeks.
Longitudinal position, breech fetal presentation, first anterior position.
AOGH. An uterine scar after cesarean section. Multiple sclerosis. Large fetus.
Example 3. Gestation of 40 weeks.
Longitudinal position, cranial fetal presentation, first anterior position of the fetus. Precursors to labor.