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General Medical History Data

1. Special features of the pregnancy and childbirth management in the patient's mother (age, complications during pregnancy and childbirth, period and method of delivery, weight and height at birth, special features of management in the postnatal period) can sometimes determine the pregnancy and childbirth management in this patient. Thus, for example, pregnancy shall not be prolongated in patients, in whose families children were born on the 35th week, and delivery shall be managed as in cases of full gestational age.

2. Special features of development in childhood and pubertal growth stage (history of pediatric infections, chronic diseases, surgical interventions, trauma, dedicated specialist consulting).

3. History of rachitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, viral hepatitis, hemotransfusions, surgical interventions. History of diseases and surgical interventions can very often help identify the reason for visiting the doctor. Special attention shall be paid to chronic diseases of other organs (kidneys, heart, liver, etc.). Previous and current chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs, as well as toxoplasmosis, genital herpes, cytomegalic inclusion disease (CMID), oncological disease, etc. can influence gestation and delivery course. Apart from that, gestation and delivery may cause new episodes of aggravation of chronic diseases of heart, kidneys, liver and other organs or their augmentation.

4. Besides, some previous diseases determine the management of patients and method of delivery. For example, patients with chronic arterial hypertension need prevention of placental insufficiency preeclampsia starting from the first trimester; for gravidas with non-specific intestinal inflammatory diseases the optimal method

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