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Complaints are subjective signs of the disease. That is why, it would be reasonable to allow the patient speak about them in a free form. Such approach promotes trust of a patient in relation to the doctor. The doctor can use various elements of non-verbal communication when working with the patient: visual (glance); audial (voice sound, intonation); kin-estetic (pantomime, mimics). The art of communication with the patient requires not only skills but some talent as well. It requires the ability not only listening to the patient but hearing her as well; skills of carrying on a dialogue using various communication styles: emotionally neutral, compassionate, authoritative (authoritativeness, from Latin auctoritas, is a power, influence; imperiousness admitting no discussion, tolerating no objections and, moreover, resistance). The question of when a doctor may interrupt the patient and start a planned, task-oriented questioning is individual and depends upon the content of the patient's narration and her state.

Clarifying questions on the data reported by the patient allow changing the patient's monologue into a dialogue. In the course of questioning the doctor shall identify basic and secondary signs of the disease specifying their onset, intensity, duration and location. Communication with the patient shall be private, no third parties shall be present. Some patients need to be reminded of the doctor-patient confidentiality, otherwise they «forget» important information of «intimate» nature. The patient shall receive positive information, which shows that at least minimal improvement is possible; if possible, medical history data shall be checked against medical documentation (extracts from the out-patient medical record, in-patient medical histories).

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