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The author and Geotar-Media Publishers are happy to invite foreign medical students to the English version of the textbook ?Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery? (third edition, 2015).

The textbook is designed for the third-fourth year foreign students getting their higher medical education in the Russian Federation; it meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Many pioneers of this discipline come from Russia; thus, it has been thoroughly developed in this country. Topographic anatomy is a must-to-know for all the medical specialists as it clearly presents interposition of the organs and systems in this or that anatomic region affected by pathological processes.

The textbook explains terms and principles of the discipline (Chapter 1) and describes topography of organs and tissues in the regions of the human body layer by layer; it elaborates students? familiarity within the limits of any region and skills to give topographo-anatomic grounds for some clinical cases. It also teaches principles of the operative surgery and the main stages of some important operations.

The terms are given according to the latest official international anatomic nomenclature (AN, Rome, 1999) both in English and in Latin. Although Latin and English terms look quite similar, the Latin variant is considered as international; new terms are coined on the Latin basis. So, it is highly advisable to pronounce correctly all the Latin terms and not to merge them with English ones.

Clinical aspects of the topographic anatomy are highlighted with bold italics. They help students to apply the gained knowledge in further studies in clinical disciplines and serve as the base to solve the cases by which this edition is supplemented in addition to tests for self-assessment.

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