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Fresh air and the proper food are the key rules of the care of patients.

F. Nightingale

Goal: to get a notion about the principles of dietary menu therapy, to master practical skills.

Knowledge objective:

ν to know the basic dietary menu, the principles of the organization of dietary menu therapy in medical establishments, the principles and the organization of artificial feeding of patients.

Skill objectives:

ν to be able to choose and prescribe various diets for various diseases, to carry out feeding of seriously ill patients; to fill nutritious mixtures and solutions through a gastric probe; to enter nutritious solutions by means of feeding enema, to carry out parenteral introduction of nutrients.


1) acquaintance with patients with various diseases, their diet, dietary restrictions;

2) acquaintance with the organization of dietary menu therapy in a hospital;

3) i mprovement of practical skills of starting a feeding enema, insertion of a gastric probe, assembly of system for intravenous infusion of feeding solutions.

Health of a person to a great extent depends on feeding. Hippocrates said: «Let your food be your first medicine!» Dietetic therapy is based on I.P. Pavlov?s teaching which has proved the necessity of the ingestion of food, the importance not only of caloric contents of food, but also of its appearance and even personal tastes. The knowledge of basic concepts of dietology, principles of rendering services for patients is very important for a therapist and will be used daily in his professional work.

Dietotherapy is a treatment with diet of a patient during his disease. An attending physician, a diet specialist and a diet nurse organize the feeding in medical establishments. Feeding of the seriously ill patients is performed through a gastric probe, by means of feeding enemas, parenterally by the intravenous infusion of nutritious solutions. In the Russian Federation, the unified dietary system has been preserved until nowadays for maintenance of an individualization of dietary menu therapy to a lot of patients with different diseases and their variable course. It includes medical diets or the dietary menu number 0-15, developed at the Institute of Feeding of the Academy Medical Sciences of the former Soviet Union. The following parameters are reflected: 1) indications for the use; 2) the purpose of assignment; 3) general characteristics; 4) chemical compounds and caloric content; 5) feeding regimen; 6) the list of products and dishes which are available, allowed or prohibited in a certain order - the products containing fibers, fats, carbohydrates, spices and drinks.

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