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Active development and reorganization of the healthcare system in our country underlies the need for continuous training of qualified healthcare professionals, improvement of the quality of higher education, which is fundamental and is based on modern scientific evidence and the needs of practical medicine.

This applies especially to the demographic issue, decrease in overall population, decline in birth rate and fertility coefficient (average number of children born from one woman throughout her life), as well as unsatisfactory health of women of childbearing age and newborns. More than 2/3 of the cases of infant mortality occur in perinatal period and are associated with maternal health and complications of pregnancy and labor.

Currently it is obvious that the outcomes of medical care largely depend on the qualification of doctors, availability of equipment, continuous professional training, quality control in healthcare management and education.

Increasing duration of systematic training in the institutions of higher education and in postgraduate training system is both very expensive and ineffective, especially with the development of new educational methods such as informational, online, electronic, simulation, etc. All these innovative technologies provide not only availability and convenience of training, but also relevance of acquired knowledge, skills, experience and professional competence.

Doctor?s training begins with the higher education at a medical institute, university or academy, where they receive fundamental and consecutive knowledge and progression to clinical specialties is preceded by the period of learning fundamental issues (knowledge of biology, anatomy, histology, normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology, etc.). Bachelor?s program starting in the fourth year changes to master?s program and online training forms (simulation centers, experimental operation theaters). A key feature of this training phase is acquisition and extension of new knowledge and practical skills, development of innovative thinking, general and medical ethics, social responsibility to patients and the chosen profession. But the main goal is instilling an attitude for self-development and continuous professional competence improvement.

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