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Abandonment in danger is a crime against a person which consists in deliberately leaving without assistance a person who is facing danger to life or health and is unable to take measures for self-protection due to infancy, old age, illness or as a result of helplessness, in cases where the offender had the opportunity to assist the person and was obliged to take care of the person or had put such person in a state posing a danger to life or health.

Absenteeism is absence from the workplace for no good reason during the entire working day (shift) regardless of its duration, as well as absence from the workplace for no good reason for more than four consecutive hours during the working day (shift).

Absolute monarchy is a form of monarchy in which all state power (legislative, executive, judicial), as well as spiritual (religious) power, is legally and actually concentrated in the hands of a monarch.

Abuse of civil law is a type of civil offence; exercising one’s rights with an illegal purpose or illegal means while violating the rights and interests of other persons.

Active electoral right is the right of citizens to vote for candidates to elected state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as to participate in re­ferenda.

Additional leave is leave granted in addition to the main annual leave with pay.

Administrative law is a branch of law regulating public relations that arise in the process of organizing and performing administrative activities of public administration bodies.

Administrative liability is the liability of individuals and legal entities for committing administrative violations; one of the forms of legal liability that is less strict than criminal liability.

Administrative Offenses Code (AOC) is a codified legal act that regulates public relations on imposing administrative sanctions, as well as establishing general principles, a list of all administrative offences, bodies that consider cases, the procedure for imposing administrative sanctions and the procedure for executing decisions on administrative cases.

Age of majority is the legally recognized age when a citizen becomes fully capable.

Agency is a central public administration body that is formed, if necessary, to manage certain areas of economic, social and cultural construction.

Amnesty (from Greek amnestia— oblivion, forgiveness) is a full or partial release from criminal liability or from the punishment of an indefinite group of persons who have committed crimes, or replacement of punishment with a more lenient one, or reduction of its term, or removal of the criminal record from persons who have served it. In the Russian Federation, it is declared by the State Duma.

Annual leave is, in labour law, the rest time granted once a working year to all employees with the reservation of their place of work and average earnings.

Appeal (from Latin appellation — call) is in some states one of the forms of a request of a judicial review of a court decision (both in criminal and civil cases).

Attending physician is a physician whose function is to organize and provide healthcare to a patient during the period of observation and treatment.

Authoritarianism (from Latin autoritas — power) is one of the types of political regime (along with democracy and totalitarianism). It implies a more or less high degree of restriction of political freedoms, especially the freedom of activity of opposition organizations and mass media, the concentration of the majority (or almost all) state power in the hands of a single person (president, monarch, prime minister) or a group of individuals.

Blank method of presenting a rule of law is a method of presenting rules of law that assumes that the legal rule contained in an article contains a reference not to a specific regulatory legal document — an article of a normative legal act (as is typical for the reference method) but to another normative legal act.

Branch of law is the largest independent element of the system of law, consisting of legal institutions and legal norms and regulating homogeneous social relations.

Breach of privacy is an offence against a person referred to in Article 137 of the RF CrC, namely, illegal gathering or dissemination of information about the private life of a person (their personal or family secrets) without their consent or in a public speech, publicly demonstrated product or mass media.

Business reputation is one of the intangible benefits, which is an assessment of professional qualities of a particular person.

By-law is a legal act of a public authority made under and pursuant to laws; in Russia by-laws include presidential decrees, resolutions and orders of the RF Government, acts of the Central Bank of Russia, ministries, state committees and other executive bodies.

Cassation appeal is a complaint against a court decision or sentence that has not entered into force.

Citizen is a person who has a legal connection with a certain state which is expressed in the presence of mutual rights and duties.

Civil code is a codified regulatory act governing civil relations; it is the main source of civil law.

Civil law is a branch of the Russian law that regulates property relations and associated personal non-property relations.

Civil liability is one of the types of legal liability: legal consequences of non-performance or improper performance of one’s duties by a person established by civil law rules which is related to violation of subjective civil rights of another person.

Civil society is a set of relations in the economy, culture, and other areas that develop within a democratic society independently, autonomously of state.

Civil status record is written information about civil status acts recorded by the competent authorities in order to verify the authenticity of the relevant events and actions.

Code (from Latin codex — а collection of laws) is a consolidated legislative act that combines and systematizes legal rules that regulate similar, homogeneous social relations.

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