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Law Science textbook is intended for use by students of the Medical Department studying in 31.05.01 specialty, and aimed at mastering by students of a knowledge system for the theoretical background of legal science, major provisions of the leading branches of russian law, legal regulation in healthcare, as well as the formation of general cultural and professional competencies established by the federal state educational standard, required within the framework of the main kinds of practical professional activity of healthcare personnel, and skills in applying the legal rules of law science branches to specific legally significant facts.

In particular, this textbook should contribute to the formation of the following skills and abilities:

  • knowledge of the Russian Federation laws including those regulating healthcare;
  • work with regulatory literature, codes and other statutory instruments;
  • self-regulation of legal relations arising in public life including the professional one;
  • interactions in the following legal environments: “healthcare professio­nal — patient” and “healthcare professional — relatives”, “healthcare professional — medical organization”, “medical organization — patient”;
  • self-decision making legitimate in a specific situation arising from the complex professional activities carried out by a healthcare professional;
  • justification of criteria used for the legal assessment of their own professional activities;
  • legal review of adverse outcomes in medical practice, minor offenses and occupational crimes of healthcare professionals, determination of possible legal consequences of such actions.

In Law Science course the following results should be achieved:

  • development of legal awareness and culture, respectful attitude to laws, rules and other regulations in students, as a fundamental guarantee of their observance of rights, freedoms and interests of citizens and society as a whole;
  • on the basis of a systematic legal review of specific occupational situations, the ability to develop and apply methods of preventing legal conflicts in practical health care in future professional activities;
  • formation of knowledge and skills for provision and, if necessary, protection of rights and legitimate interests of citizens in healthcare, healthcare professionals, and medical organizations of state, municipal and private healthcare systems;
  • ability to analyze various options for legal relations arising in professional medical activities, and to make optimal legal decisions regarding them, realizing the possibility of legal liability in cases of occupational offenses.

The textbook was prepared taking into account scientific and practical experience, as well as innovative educational technology generated at the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in accordance with the provisions of the federal state educational standards for 31.05.01 Medical Care specialty, and developed at the Department of Modular Law Science Training Program.

In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, students'self-control, and to assess the effectiveness of self-directed learning the progress check is provided at the end of each section. The textbook is supplemented by the glossary of main legal and juridical terms, and the list of regulations and references.

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